Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beer, beer the magical fruit

The best thing about being a Melbournian, besides the sun, surf and babes (Antarctic chill, St Kilda and bogans), is.. beer! We have an insatiable love for it and not only that, we have a great taste for it too. And because of this, we have the best beers on tap and on the shelf, and we manage to stir up enough business to sustain the best microbreweries in the entire universe. eff yeah. 

So before you go and order another Coopers (SA), James Squire (NSW), a fuckin Corona or a dreaded but somewhat dear to our hearts Carlton Draught, try one of these instead and support the micro-beer economy of our lovely city!

White Rabbit Dark Ale - Healesville 
($3.99 each or $21 6 pack @ Dan Murphy's)

I get sad when I drink the last sip of this beer. It's always over too soon and I always want more but my wallet says no so I get a Carlton Draught instead and then get all depressed. 

It comes from the Little Creatures brewery and has been produced with some hardcore brewery methods and fancy equipment that is apparently similar to wine-making. Anyway, the point is that it's been made with lots of love, care and ridiculous attention and it's all worth it coz this is a stunning little beer. It's a creamy beer with a big malty body that rounds out to a lovely freshness that makes ya smile with yummy fuzziness.

I haven't managed to find the white ale to try yet but I heard it's top shiz. But you can find the dark ale on tap at lots of bars around town as it seems to be the "IT" beer for the summer (think Mean Girls). Oh! And most importantly, it has a really pretty label if you get the bottle! I just finished my last sip while writing this blog. Cries. It ended already? 

O'Brien Premium Lager - Ballarat
($3.99 each or $21 for 6 pack @ Dan Murphy's)

I usually don't like lagers, but Dan Murphy's didn't have the Pale Ale singularly. But this one's aaaalright. No actually, it's pretty friggen awesome based on the fact that it's GLUTEN FREE. YUP. GLUTEN FREE. Not low gluten. GLUTEN FREE. how the!?!? 

They also produce the world's first low alcohol gluten free beer. Say wuh? Where the fuck does the taste come from??

Anyway, back to the lager. As I mentioned usually I'm not a fan of lagers, they usually taste too watery and weak for my liking. This one though, has flavour. It's got a nice slight bitter tang to it and starts and ends smoothly. And it's not overpowering and doesn't taste like pee as shit like VB does. It's a nice simple beer that pleases and is somehow tasty while being gluten free. (I still don't understand how!?!?)

This beer is perfect for a summer bbq! If your friends like Boags or Heineken (like mine do) and you're looking for an interesting alternative that caters for your caeliac friends too...well definitely give O'Briens a go. Just excuse the lame looking label.  

Hargreaves Hill Pale Ale - Yarra Valley
(just get it at Dan Murphys, it has everything)

This beer comes from a nano-brewery and restaurant in the Yarra Valley. On Monday nights they have a Foodie's Night with poultry  dinner + matching wine for $25 that I've been dying to try but I cbb driving to. 

This beer, is a very pretty beer. It reminds me of the Hightail Ale which automatically makes me swoon but without the heavy aftertaste that many who dislike about the Hightail Ale mention (which I love!) Instead it has an interesting bitter lift at the end that keeps me interested for the next sip. It's summer and flowers in a bottle and it seems to be disappearing at a quicker rate than I'd anticipated. Similar feeling of loss as I felt with the White Rabbit dark ale. Definite must try and I think it'll be a "love or hate" summer beer. 

Mountain Goat Steam Ale - Richmond
($3.99 each or $21 6 pack - I think all these beers are the same price...)

Muther effing Mountain Goat is my most effing favouritest brewery ever. I have been a huge fan of the Hightail Ale ever since EVER and as I'm getting drunker, my love for Mountain Goat grows. I don't even remember life before Hightail Ale. If the Mountain Goat brewers were with me now, I'd put my arms around em and tell em how much I love em and how they've seen me through all the good and bad times and then tell them drunken stories while slurring all my words and eventually I'll fall asleep on one of their shoulders. 

Anyway, the Steam ale is the latest addition to this lovely family of yummy beers and it's Mountain Goat's first organic beer. That's friggen exciting. It replaces the Pale Ale and along with it brings a new design label to the entire range (looks are SO important). 

This beer is fresh and crisp, and as with all the Mountain Goat beers - I think tastes better on tap. It has a ring of flowers but it's refreshing and bubbly rather than intense in hopsy/malty flavour as ales usually are. I can't imagine anyone not liking this beer (unless you don't like beer altogether). Definite beer to try before you die. 

I didn't mention at the beginning of this blog that I'm drinking these beers as I'm writing about em. And I've just drank and written about 4 beers in the space of an hour which is a lot for my little asian body to handle. So, I'm thoroughly drunk. But this summer I implore you to PLEASE go and try some microbrewery beers before you go get hammered off cheap beer/goon. 

Happy eats and drinks and thanks for reading!!! :)


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